Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) 1972


The performance, last of the three works realized during Gianni Pettena’s stay in Salt Lake City, consisted in the “physical visualization” of the municipal boundary, a red line stretching for about forty kilometers painted on the road and tracing the plan of the city and its administrative limits: an operation that was carried out by leaning out of a pickup truck loaded with some drums of red paint, a spray gun and a compressor to operate it.

Red Lineconcluded a trilogy of metaphorical interpretations of the contradictions of the contemporary city, its stupidities and its beauties, conducted through interventions that also had a strongly contextual value, as they tackled the theme of the relationship with the city, the relationship with the fact of inhabiting today, in a place in which the presence of natural elements, in particular the Great Salt Lake and the Great Salt Lake Desert, is particularly significant.